Can We Make Teaching Great Again ?
Jaak Henno, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Hannu Jaakkola, Tampere University, Pori, Finland
Jukka Mäkelä, University of Lapland, Finland
This presentation is on-line at
People in this room are obsessed with LEARNING
In last ten years interest to LEARNNG in Google search has grown over ten times
Nobody claims that results in schools and universities have improved ten times
The COMPUTER LEARNING is a program and program creators should know how it works
- computer learning is pure statistics
Unfortunately nobody does not understand what these programs do...
AI = Artificial Idiotism ???
1: We are smart, we observe common features in different processes, events, images
2: We look for similar explanation of those common features in different processes
3: We understand better these (seemingly) different processes
- we have LEARNED something
There is a common fearure: both groups are concerned with their future and try to improve it ... |
Currently there are problems with both pre-conditions of learning:
smartness and
ability to find explanations
Smartness is measured by IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests
The IQ tests were introduced in 1905 by French psychologist Alfred Binet
to find proper class for
children who previously did not attend school
Currently there are tens of different IQ tests
IQ tests consider different cognitive abilities:
Which of the following does not belong here: “Person, Woman, Man, Whale, Camera. TV”?
What are the first two members of the sequence:
Find suitable:
IQ tests have been used with similar contingents (e.g. military conscripts) for many years
Comparing these results the American-New Zealand psycholog James R. Flynn found that IQ scores increased during 1960-1975 from 99,4 to 102 in all countries for which data existed ('the Flynn effect') and started then to decrease until 99.2 in 1989 | ![]() |
Some studies claim that it is still decreasing are we getting dumber? |
Decline of IQ has been explained with "environmental factors",
i.e. is not (yet) genetically encoded in our childrens
Some researches claim that IQ improves with education. |
Vocabulary of U.S. adults declined in 1970-2010 for all educational levels but most among those with a bachelor's and graduate degrees |
The most noticeable change in "environmental factors" is rapid increase in use of robots, computers and emphasis on STEM education
Abstract reasoning, text (music/art etc) creation are receiving less attention -
we do not need this when we allready have chatGPT and other fluent 'content creators' !
But these 'fluent chatterers' do not understand a word what they output - they consider only order of symbols ...
Human-generated data belongs to creator (copyright)
chatGPT and other 'fluent chatterers' used human-generated data without any indication to origins
Several newpapers, authors, publishers etc have sued OpenAI and Microsoft for use of their work
This 18-line program imports recursively many modules. All together are loaded 864 modules, 476107 lines of Python code The 18 lines grow 26450 times ! |
People who constantly check their smartphones are clearly already ‘pwned’; ‘pwned’ students (in programming class) can only senselessly googling and add to their project all libraries what they see in some other project in blind hope – ‘maybe this works’ |
In scools and universities the role of firewall is on teachers
Teachers should organize proper flow of new information:
- it does not exceed the input capability of students
- everything essential is covered
Courses should be difficult, but manageable
No lectures, in every lesson students had to implement a new game following presented tutorial
The average assessment of the course from students was 4.87 (in scale 0..5)
In intellectual competition the same principle holds - nobody can become a Nobel laureate or establish a successful company on 'snake oil' - chatGTP, influencers etc
Intellectual achievements are based on the same as physical achievements - You, your body and mind, only they know the TRUTH
We are beginning to understand dangers of 'Information Age'
We make 35,000 choices a day on average (Harward)
Average teenager checks his phone 2000 times a day
In many countries smartphones are banned in schools
The Buxton school in Massachusetts, USA banned smartphones in the whole campus area and replaced with a simple “dumb” phones with black and white screens which can’t load modern applications
The whole university (also students!) like this 'new world order'
Computers, smartphones, chatGPT may help humans to use their intellect, but they can not think
chatGPT can produce fluent text on several natural languages, but does not understand a word - it considers only order of symbols
>We need to go through the same traditional path as our preceeding generations:
learn, drill, memorize, repeat...
"Never just follow the crowd. Always make up your own mind." (Margaret Thatcher)
That's all...
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