YMX8150 Applied Mathematics

The course consists of 3 parts:

1.      Functional analysis (2. - 6. weeks), taught by Gert Tamberg

2.    Numerical methods for equations of mathematical physics (7. – 11. weeks), taught by Jaan Janno

3.    Stochastic modelling (12. – 16. weeks), taught by Margus Pihlak. 

Each part is graded separately. Final grade of the course is computed as an average of grades of these parts.

Links to descriptions and materials of the course:

Functional analysis – materials are in Moodle, the course YMX8150

Numerical methods for equations of mathematical physics

Stochastic modelling



Gert Tamberg: gert.tamberg@taltech.ee

Jaan Janno: jaan.janno@taltech.ee

Margus Pihlak: margus.pihlak@taltech.ee


Recordings of classes